1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop ICE-CSIC/IEEC, Barcelona, April 23, 2020
1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop ICE-CSIC/IEEC, Barcelona, April 23, 2020
1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop ICE-CSIC/IEEC, Barcelona, April 23, 2020
The ICE-CSIC/IEEC will be hosting the 1st PAZ Polarimetric Radio Occultations User Workshop in Barcelona, April 23, 2020.
After nearly two years of GNSS PRO data acquisition, this workshop seeks to prospect GNSS PRO data users and new scientific applications. The two main objectives of the workshop are (1) to provide potential users with an understanding of the data, their geophysical content, possibilities and limitations; and (2) to enable data providers better understanding on the needs
of scientific users, and link the two communities to develop new products and applications.
The target audience includes scientists working on observational or modelling aspects of precipitation, convection, extreme events, microphysics schemes, model evaluation (climate, NWP), RO data assimilation, etc, that might benefit from this expanded RO capability.
If interested please contact: paz@ice.csic.es