Hisdesat shows its satellite services portfolio at LAAD 2013
March 2013Hisdesat shows its satellite services portfolio at LAAD 2013
Hisdesat shows its satellite services portfolio at LAAD 2013
Madrid, (Spain).- 25th March, 2013— According to its international focus and with a clear mission of showing their latest technological advances in the context of secure satellite communications, Earth Observation and Satellite AIS systems and strengthening strategic relationships with clients in Latin America, the Spanish company satellite government services, Hisdesat, will be at the Spanish Pavilion (4-stand K50) of the Brazilian tradeshow, LAAD 2013, to be held from 9 to 12 April in Rio de Janeiro, Riocentro.
Its portfolio of services includes an innovative new generation of satellites to improve and provide greater flexibility and security to communications at X and Ka bands military, through its satellites: SpainSat and XTAR-Eur, providing communications coverage over two-thirds of the Earth.
It also has a system of Earth observation satellites composed of two, Ingenio and Paz, who will use the two technologies of observation, radar and optical. It also has an information system satellite maritime traffic (AIS), which allow the location of all vessels in the world, equipped with AIS.
“For our company, the Brazilian market is a promising and attractive setting that offers significant growth opportunities and in which our satellite services offer secure communications, Earth observation and satellite AIS, fit perfectly,” says Miguel Ángel Panduro, CEO at Hisdesat. “We have spent time working in Brazil and is one of the key scenarios for our business.”
About Hisdesat
Hisdesat was founded in 2001 as operator of government services by satellite to act primarily in the areas of defense, security, intelligence and foreign affairs. Since 2005, the company provides secure satellite communications to government agencies of different countries and is currently developing new satellites in two areas: Earth Observation and Information of the worldwide maritime traffic by satellite (AIS). More information: www.hisdesat.es
For further information: Hisdesat Araceli Serrano PR Communications Manager Tel: +34 91 4490149 |